Overview of the investment process in Malawi
*Malawi Investment Act encourages foreign companies to invest in any sector in Malawi.
*Manufacturing activities do not require an industrial licence except for a few industries whose operations pose health, environmetntal, and safety concerns.
Incorporation of a company takes a maximum of 7 working days.
*The investment licence takes 10 calendar days when approved by the Investment Approval Committee.
*The minimum investment threshold is US$ 50,000.00 in order to be eligible for a Business Residence Permit (BRP).
*In applying for a BRP, the investor has to submit application forms in duplicate, two passport size photographs, project proposal, police clearance from last country of residence and processing fees of MK 10,000.00. Upon approval of the BRP application, the investor has to pay MK 500,000.00 as issurance fees.
*The investor has to submit to the Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC), a comprehensive project proposal and/or business plan together with the application forms.
*The incorporated company is required to register its amount of capital inflow with the Reserve Bank of Malawi (the country’s Central Bank) through the respective commercial bank in Malawi.
*Companies are also required to register with the Commissioner of Taxes for the payment of taxes.
*Temporary Employment Permit application procedure